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Lega Coop Lazio

Speha fresia is accredited in the Legacoop Lazio Service Charter, in the areas of training, employment services, support for the presentation of business development plans and European projects


Lega Coop Sicilia

Speha Fresia is the reference training institution of Legacoop Sicily.

Regione Lazio

Orientation and vocational training
Speha Fresia was among the first organizations in Lazio to be accredited according to the provisions of 2002 which regulated the vocational guidance and training system in the region, according to specific quality standards. It is currently authorized to provide guidance, higher education and continuous training activities, also aimed at special users and socio-economic disadvantaged groups. Determines N. G15609 of 03/12/2018.


Identification and validation of skills
Speha Fresia is entitled by Determination of the Lazio Region No. G02436 of 05/03/2020 to the provision of services for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal skills and the certification of skills in accordance with DGR 816/2018.

Release of qualifications
Speha Fresia is authorized by the Lazio Region (Determination – n ° G00405 of 26/01/2016) to carry out private refresher training courses and for the issue of qualifications relating to the social and socio-health, technical-economic, services, environment and tourism, culture and media, training, education and labor policies, in particular it is authorized to carry out training courses for operators qualified to identify and transparency skills, assessment of training credits and certification of skills.

Services for work
Speha Fresia is accredited in the regional system of Employment Services in the Lazio Region in accordance with the DGR 198/2014 and in the Sicily Region in accordance with the DDG. n. 4905/2019. Lazio – G00778 of 30.01.2019

– Reception and initial information, first level guidance, specialist guidance, job offer / demand meeting, promotion of extracurricular internships, accompaniment to work, intensive assistance to the person according to placement and professional relocation; guidance services aimed at training and for non-formal learning paths carried out in cooperation with companies; job placement services for the disadvantaged and people with disabilities; services for starting up a business venture.


Regione Sicilia

Higher, continuing education and orientation
Speha Fresia has been operating in the Sicily Region as an accredited institution for higher and continuing education and guidance since 2000. It is currently accredited with DDG n. 340 of 19/02/2020 for the Palermo and Canicattì offices.


Services for work
Specialist orientation; accompaniment to work training, promotion of extra-curricular internships, information on employment incentives, promotion of socially useful services; self-employment support; activity of meeting demand / offer of work.

Training of nutritionist

Speha Fresia is registered in Sicily in the Regional Register for the Training of Nutritionist Supporters – DA 630 of 12/04/2019.

National Interprofessional Funds

– Fon.Coop – National Interprofessional Joint Fund for continuous training in cooperative enterprises, of AGCI – Confcooperative Legacoop and CGIL, CISL, UIL.

– Fondimpresa – Interprofessional Fund for continuous training of Confindustria and CGIL, CISL and UIL.


Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policies

Speha Fresia is registered in the register of associations and entities that carry out activities in favor of immigrants established at the MINISTRY OF LABOR, HEALTH AND SOCIAL POLICIES – Directorate General of Immigration from 07/03/07 (registration no. A / 465 / 2007 / RM).

National Research Registry

Speha Fresia is registered in the NATIONAL RESEARCH REGISTER in accordance with the art. 63 and 64 of the D.P.R. n. 382/80 with the code G02900BT


Speha Fresia is recognized by UNAR – Presidency of the Council, as an institution that carries out activities in the field of the fight against discrimination in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 215/2003 of “Implementation of Directive 2000/43 / EC for equal treatment between people regardless of race and ethnic origin ”.;

Chamber of Commerce of Rome

Speha Fresia is registered in the suppliers register of the ROME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, for Consulting, Studies and Research Services and for Staff Services.

PICO Network

Speha Fresia is the territorial node of the PICO Network for Sicily, a network promoted by the PICO Foundation – Digital Innovation Hub Cooperative of the National Lagacoop. The Pico Network is recognized by the 4.0 enterprise network built by the MiSE. Through a specific agreement, Speha Fresia has the task of developing animation, training, information, research and design actions on issues related to innovation, digital transformation and business / industry 4.0 in the territory of Sicily.


Speha Fresia is certified as a Microsoft Qualified Academic Institution.


employer and professional trade union association, non-profit, representing public and private companies, service companies, consultancy companies, professionals and professional firms operating in the field of occupational safety, training, information and guidance on safety in the workplace of work.


Consultation for the social integration of foreign citizens

Speha Fresia has been a member of the council for the social integration of foreign citizens of the VII Municipality of the Municipality of Rome since 2012.



Cooperative Company, which operates in the field of food safety, business consulting and professional training in the field of “food safety” and safety for companies and organizations at a national level.



Emanation of CONFINDUSTRIA operating in the promotion of Sicilian companies towards foreign markets.


CFI Corporate Finance Cooperation

Participated and supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development, it aims to promote the birth and development of production and work cooperatives and social cooperatives.


Banca Popolare Etica



national trust of Italian cooperation.


Legacoop Sicily Cooperative Society Service Network

offers consulting services to member cooperatives.


Speha fresia’s quality management system complies with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015standard. The certification is valid for the following application fields:

  • Services for work
  • Local development services;
  • Design of system actions to support the vulnerable;
  • Social research services;
  • Professional, continuous and permanent, residential and remote training.
  • • Speha Fresia has been operating on the national territory since 1983 in the areas of lifelong education, active labor policies, sustainable local development and social research.

Speha Fresia has been operating on the national territory since 1983 in the areas of lifelong education, active labor policies, sustainable local development and social research.